Growing into REALITY

As we get older and begin the journey into the real world, we have to start thinking about our future and what we want to do with our lives. Scary right? It feels as if I just started college and here I am reaching my senior year. Although I still don’t necessarily know what I want to do with my life I’ve been starting to get an idea of which path I am looking to take. From the courses I have taken, the obstacles I have gone through and the many different events occurring in my life I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I would have the potential to be good at.

Growing up I have always wanted to follow in my parents footsteps and go into the business world. However, as time has progressed I have learned that I am far from a business girl. I have learned that I fit well in a world that works more with communicating with people. As I began my communication major I saw myself loving everything I was learning and I started realizing the things I am truly good at. I realized that I want to become an event planner.


With summer coming up and internships being the key to success for my future, I spent endless hours doing research over my winter vacation on event planning companies and the many different factors that go into becoming an event planner. Being as indecisive as I am, I started feeling as if event planning wasn’t necessarily what I wanted to do. I decided I would think it over while I spent Christmas break in mexico.

As I sat by the pool relaxing in Mexico I overheard a woman talking about being from Chicago, the same place I am from. I began chatting with her about Chicago and her trip and as one thing led to the next we began talking about everything. She had began talking about her company in Chicago and I didn’t really think to ask what exactly it was at first and then as I started putting the pieces together I realized that she is the head of her own event planning company. I knew in that moment that it was a sign. We sat talking for hours on end and she couldn’t have been any more wonderful. Her job is absolutely incredible and seeing how passionate she is about it made me want to see my future looking just like hers. As the day was coming to an end and we were saying goodbye she pulled me aside and said, “I would love for you to come work for me this summer”. In that moment I could not have been any happier and more excited to see where my life journey was taking me. It showed me the importance of putting yourself out there and meeting new people. The future may be scary but you never know what opportunities may randomly be handed to you!

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